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Restrict the Grid Export with Storage System and no self consumption

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Hello Everyone,

I want to simulate the hybrid system combining wind and solar. Now I want to set Grid export limit for Pv production, Remaining energy must use to charge the battery. There is no self consumption just Battery charging from pv energy. No energy should use from Grid to charge the battery. Can I simulate such systems in Pvsyst ?


Dear Pranav,


I don’t understand your project. Could you provide more details about what you intend to do? What is the purpose of having a battery if you don’t use the energy yourself? Does your system inject energy into the grid? If that is the case, why do you need batteries if you can inject all the produced energy directly into the grid?




scenario is, there is already wind turbines installed. I need to plan a solar park in the same area, but the I have grid export limit is just 3.5 MWh. wind production is 2.2 MWh, that has to be completely exported to the grid. now Planned pv system is 6,8 MWp. I want to simulate such condition after battery storage, how much energy we are going to loose. I need to calculate yield under this conditions. (Grid export from the solar is just 1,5 MWh)

Thank You

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