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The correct Azimuth in 3d Schene

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I would like to ask something about 3d schene and azimuth of pv panels.

In one project in which i am working this period, I have a house + 2-sided roof.

The plane tilt and azimuth is 25 & 30 degrees, as you can see in first pic1.

Therefore, when I draw the house in 3d shene in order to achive that azimuth i define it -64 degress. (pic2)

Then i draw the panels with tilt 25 degrres and azimuth 30 degrees, like i defined in Orientation window. (pic3)

So, my question is this; The azimuth which pvsyst takes into account to calculate the shadings and production is the 30 degrees that i defined in orientation?

And why the azimuth of house is different than the azimuth of panels, since both "face" the sun position from the same position.

Thank you in adnance.






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Hello, It's difficult to be 100% certain, but it seems to me that in your 3D drawing, the PV plane is not aligned with the roof. Could you please export your project and submit it to support@pvsyst.com for further investigation? Thank you.

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