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Site and weather data file used - UNDEFINED, different results of the same simulation

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Recently I was performing several simulations with the aging tool and came across a substantial problem. When the agign simulation finished, the original sim. variant for year one was no longer displayign any site or weather data in the report and in the overview they were marked as UNDEFINED (even though they are clearly defined in the site file). In the aging variants for the following years where reports were generated, the data was showing correctly. Interestingly, when I created a copy of the original variant, the system changed which diffuse data it was using and the cloned variant was showing different results after simulation (diffuse data changed from ERBS (in the faulty undefined variant) to PEREZ, METEONORM in the new variant (cloned from the first one).

This complicates things quite a bit because suddenly there are different results and secondly I am not able to create a complete report of the results, including aging, without the report missing the weather and site data information.

I would like to know how to proceed (to get a complete report including aging without the important data missing) and what might cause the change in what PVSyst uses as diffuse data.


Thank you in advance for your swift response.


R. P.




Edited by R. Polášek
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