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what could be the reasons why manufactorers temperature coefficients in pan file not matching with datasheets


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I am seeing the pan file of a manufacturer and found that 

1)      Pmax temper. coeff. is not matching in Pdf pan file and datasheet (-0.32%/°C vs -0.35%/°C)

2)      Voc temp. coefficient (MuVoc) is not matching in Pdf pan file and datasheet -128 mV/°C = - 0.256 %/°C vs -0.27%/°C)

3)      Isc temperature coefficient (muIsc) is not matching in Pdf pan file and datasheet -5.2 mA/°C = 0.3719 %/°C vs -0.045%/°C)


What could be the reasons?

and How to convert muIsc in mA/°C to %/°C?

Kindly help

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Dear Hritik, 

Where does the PAN file come from? Does it come directly from the manufacturer?
There may have been a modification of the technical sheet between the creation of the PAN file and the marketing of the component.

You can update the component yourself if you notice any differences.

For the temperature coefficient you can choose to define it in mA/°C or by %/°C, PVsyst will automatically calculate the other value.


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