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Previously when i was uploading the pan files , PVSYST use to take the Rseries values from pan file. 

but now when i am uploading the pan file the Rseries value is not getting modified. 

For ex : Rseries value in Pan file : 0.221ohm, and after uploading pan file in pvsyst it is showing 0.197ohm in model parameters.

Please suggsest what can be done to resolve this.


Since V 7.4.6,  the Rshunt and Rserie are normally kept as read on the file.

However PVsyst ensures that the one-diode model can be applied.

Namely, if the RSerie is greater than RSerieMax (the max. value for wich the model can be established), the RSerie is restricted to RSerieMax. 

If desired, you can  modify these values in the dialog (for example, increasing RShunt will allow a higher Rserie).

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