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Which meteo database is efficient for analysis in Central Asia ? Meteonorm 8.1 Sat= 100% or PVGIS TMY 5.2?


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Hello everyone,

I hope you all are doing well!

I am currently working on a project in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, and I am facing an initial challenge in selecting the most suitable meteorological database. I have used Meteonorm 8.1 with a 100% Synthetic (Satellite) dataset and PVGIS TMY 5.2. I have observed a noticeable difference between the two databases. Specifically, PVGIS data appears to be above the average point, while Meteonorm data appears to be below the average point. This difference amounts to 5.2%.

Could anyone provide guidance on choosing the most appropriate database for Central Asia?

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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