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Does PVSyst calculate any benefit from Anti-Reflective Coating on Glass?


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Many PV module manufacturers are incorporating anti-reflective coating (ARC) on the front glass surface. The ARC increases the light transmission through the glass, thus increasing the current and thus power generated by the PV module.

Datasheet values would show an increased Isc and Impp, or rather, for a given power bin (such as 280 W), a higher Isc and Impp and lower Voc and Vmpp than a non-ARC module. The ARC would increase the current and power for a module measured at STC (standard test conditions), measured with a light source normal (perpendicular) to the surface of the module. I have seen figures quoting 2% light transmission increase at normal incidence.

However, there are greater benefits to the ARC in non-normal incidence conditions. Again quoting a glass manufacturer, the increase of light transmission at 45 degrees is about 4%, and continuous to increase with increasing angles. (Admittedly, there is less light incident on a module at these large angles, so there is less power generated. Also, if these large angles occur in the early morning and late evening, the solar irradiance is also lower.)

My question is does PVsyst account for the power gains for a PV module with an ARC on glass? (I am assuming no.)

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The benefits of the ARC are active at not-null incidence angles (for normal beam, if there is a benefit it will be included in the STC specifications).

Therefore this should be defined in the IAM behaviour.

PVsyst uses a default IAM behaviour (Ashrae parametrization), but allows for the definition of a customized IAM profile.

This may be defined either in the module's characteristics, and/or in the "Detailed losses" part.

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