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Difference in EArray and IArray between v6 and v7 version

Luiz Reis

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I'm working with some projects created in PVSyst version 6.85 in version 7.2.12. I performed an initial simulation without making any changes to the project. Analyzing the output variables I was able to confirm that the behavior of EArray is equivalent in both simulations. However, differences of approximately 3% were observed in the UArray and IArray outputs. Has anyone observed something similar. Could you help me understand the causes of the difference?





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The Current/voltage of the Array is not a basic variable of the simulation, as it is not related to the energy  production. We don't look at it in detail.

Please send me you full project, elaborated in the V 6.86. by using "Files > Export Projects" in the main menu.

 NB: When you talk about differences of 3%, is it the average over the year, or "up to 3%" for some hourly values ?


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4 hours ago, Lazare Fesnien said:


The Current/voltage of the Array is not a basic variable of the simulation, as it is not related to the energy  production. We don't look at it in detail.

Please send me you full project, elaborated in the V 6.86. by using "Files > Export Projects" in the main menu.

 NB: When you talk about differences of 3%, is it the average over the year, or "up to 3%" for some hourly values ?




Thank you very much for the quick response. The difference of 3% in the values is the average referring to the average of the differences of the year. The files referring to the project were sent to the email support@pvsyst.com with the subject "Difference in EArray and IArray between v6 and v7 version".



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