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Unsure about accuracy of Enphase IQ7A microinverter data


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I'm trying to work out if the Enphase microinverter data from the latest PVsyst is accurate.

This is the latest spec sheet from them


The DC input side looks like this:


Commonly used module pairings¹ 295 W–460 W +

Module compatibility 60-cell / 120-half-cell and 72-cell / 144-half-cell modules

Maximum input DC voltage 58 V

PV input operating voltage range²18 V–58 V

Min/Max start voltage 33 V / 58 V

Max DC short circuit current (module Isc)³ 15 A

Overvoltage class DC port II

DC port backfeed current 0 A

Then that little (2) on the input operating range has this note:

2. EU peak power tracking voltage range is 38 V to 43 V.

Does this mean that in PVsyst I should be changing the parameters as in attached picture?

If I do that, then the min voltage for pnom and maximum input current become N/A


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