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euroeficciency vs inverter efficency in simulation


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Dear nanuk,

In PVsyst there are 4 ways of defining the efficiency of inverters :

- from a single efficiency curve eff = f(Input power), specified by up to 8 points

- from a single efficiency curve eff = f(Input power), automatically built from the Maximum, EURO or CEC efficiencies and the Power Threshold (Pthresh)

- from a set of 3 efficiency curves eff = f(Power, input voltage), all of them specified by up to 8 points

- from a set of 3 efficiency curves eff = f(Power, input voltage), all of them automatically built from the Maximum, EURO or CEC efficiencies and Pthresh.

Automatic efficiency profiles: this option is used when only the Maximum and EURO or CEC efficiencies efficiencies are available. PVsyst then construct default profiles

You can see the detail here : https://www.pvsyst.com/help/inverter_efficiency.htm

So if you don't check "Builds profile from given efficiencies" it will use the table you see on the right side

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