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Importing Meteonorm 8.0 data for new site location (At specified Lat./Long.)


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After the recent update to PVsyst 7.2.4, I am unable to import the new meteonorm 8.0 data for any given location getting Meteonorm error 4? How can I import data for any lat./long. in the new update?

Previously I used to input Lat./Long. for the given location in the interactive map and then choosing meteonorm 7.0 and click import. While it works with meteonrom 7.0 in the previous PVsyst 7.1 version

the new update doesn't allow importing of meteonorm 8.0 data.

Please see the attached screenshots for the error window.


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  • 7 months later...


I am receiving the same error as the above user did, the only difference is that, for me its showing error 5. As per your reply I checked my windows version and the .NET framework version and everything is to date and still i am facing the same issue. It was working fine till 2 days ago and then all of a sudden it stopped importing files from METEONORN.

Please find the snipped images in the attachment.

I would want you help on resolving this issue.


Nitish Sharma




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For future users who encounter this problem:

The error 5 is due to restricted internet access (firewall and/or proxy) in an unwanted interaction with the included Meteonorm database. It has been fixed in version 7.2.9.

For other internet access problems, remember to configure your firewall and/or proxy properly with the information available in our FAQ: “Web services for all PVsyst functionalities” -



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Hi dear PVsyst,

I have a problem with using proxy server of our company. In the proxy server we allow the outgoing requests from PVsyst:

as you say in previosly messages, but some functions it doesnt work properly. I mean online map, pls see below screenshot, means that I can found coordinates, but online map not show digital pictures of the map.


Please could you help to fix this problem, what our IT company can do?

Or maybe in future you will update current version of soft and this problem will be fixed.

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  • 4 months later...

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