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3d shade scene issues in V7.1


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I am setting up a 3d shade scene for a 2-portrait tracker and experiencing 2 issues:

1) The shade scene is pixelated with green horizontal lines, and not legible. See screenshot below.

2) I have entered the tracker size as 2x54 modules. However, when I then 'Adjust to Modules' a an additional column is being added which and incorrectly doubles the tracker area. Compare 1 & 2 in the screenshot below; the spurious column is noted with 'x'. I seem to be able to override the tracker width in the 'Basic Parameters', but do not recall having to do this procedure in v6, and am not sure if this is introducing any error.

Please advise on how to address these issues. Thank you.


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Hello pvpanels000,

Welcome to this forum.

Here below some answers :

1) Try to enable the anti-aliasing rendering option:



2) This may be due to the definition of the central gap of your trackers. If you define a central gap (non-zero value), PVsyst considers that you have 2 separate sensitive areas on your tracker, so you'll have 2 modules rows on each side. You can set the central gap value to zero in order to have one row each side, but not sure that it will be realistic in your case.


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