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Site Definition + Meteo Bug


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When defining multiple sites the meteo information from the last site is loaded, regardless of what file is selected.

So, for example doing the following:

1) Create a site for "London PV", import meteo and create a synthetic hourly dataset when prompted

2) Create a site for "Venice PV", import meteo and create a synthetic hourly dataset when prompted

3) Create a new project, select "London PV" and the corresponding meteo file. Setup a standard system and run a simulation. Save the project. Open the meteo file and check the values in Tables > Monthly, it will display the Venice values.

I've have a recording of an example where this happens on my system but I can't add it to the post due to the forum rules. Unfortunately the incorrect values carry through to the simulation, so if you're not careful you end up using the wrong irradiation for a site and get sometimes very skewed results...



I have done further testing and note this doesn't occur if a synthetic dataset is created manually like we used to do, it only occurs if the automatic generation is selected. Inspecting the .MET files in a text editor reveals the actual values have been swapped, bizarre.

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