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Hello there,

I am having trouble uploading an ASCII file that contains measured Plane of Array (global on plane) and Module Temperature. In the 'Conversion of ASCII measured data' area, I can populate the tabs for General, Date Format and Measured Variables in a way that looks like it should work, but the OK button does not become available to allow the conversion to advance.

The project in question is a single-axis tracker.

Attached are screen shots from the the uploading process.

Also attached is the data set I'm trying to upload.

I wonder if you can help me understand whether there is a formatting or other issue that needs to be addressed to move the process forward?

Thank you,



Data source Definition


Data Format Tab


Measured Variables Tab


This tool is suited for the analysis of Measured data on an existing system, for comparing the System performance (for example E_Grid) to the simulated values.

It will create a *.DAM file for the comparison tool.

If you want to import Meteorological data for using in a simulation (creating *.MET files), you should use "Databases > Import ASCII Meteo file".

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