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PVsyst crashes for the shading design of 60MW single axis tracker


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Goal: Design of a 60MWac single axis tracker (N-S) with back tracking.

The system has two fields and when I draw the layout using shading module it crashes.

Can PVsyst compute these calculations or would I need a more powerful system.

Software version: PVsyst 6.62.

Computer Specifications:

Processor: i7-6700 @ 2.6GHz

RAM: 16.0 GB

OS: Win 10 Home, 64 bit OS

Display Driver: GTX 965M

All drivers are updated.

Please let me know what else can I try.



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Are you trying to use the "Module layout" part on a 60MW plant ?

If yes, then you should avoid to do so as it has not been designed to handle such big installations. You can use string partitions calculations instead to be able to simulate the electrical effect on module strings.

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