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Changing significative figures in inputs


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I have done a fast research and I did not find any other topic on the subject. I apology if it already exists.

I would like to know if I could get to modify the significative figures showed in the inputs of PVsyst reports. For example, if I give an input of 0.45% AC ohmic losses, in the report it will show either 0.4% or 0.5% . So, even if the software takes 0.45% for the calculation, a third person reading the report can have a 10% error reading the imput loss.

Thank you for reading.

Enrique Trabajo.

Edited by Enrtraest
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We could indeed increase the number of decimals here (and in many other places). This would make the reading of the report more heavy, without a significantly better accuracy.

For your example, the "reading error" represents perhaps 10% of your wiring resistance loss (because it is very low, probably not realistic), but 0.05% of the system yield ! I doubt that your Rwiring evaluation is much better than this value.

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