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Batch calculation - Ageing


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I am testing now the calculation for several years, and the results that I got in batch simulation are not the same than I got by changing the year of simulation in "Ageing" tool.

In "batch simulation", I have specified Degradation-> year of simulation", and then in the csv batchparams file I have introduce the years I want to simulate, but the Energy Injected into Grid that I obtain after batch simulation is sliglthly higher than the results I got by changing the year of simulation in "Ageing" tool.

What can be wrong? Is the batch simulation taking into account the mismatch increase due to degradation?

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The behavior you are observing might be linked to the flag that controls the mismatch calculation before each simulation.

Before a calculation involving ageing, PVsyst will, by default, do a Monte-Carlo calculation of the mismatch factor due to ageing.

This leads to slightly different results every time you perform a simulation.

You can also force the program to keep the same mismatch factor for each simulation. In the 'Ageing' dialog you need to check 'Keeps calculated Mismatch values'.

In this case the mismatch values are kept fixed (also written to file) and the simulation will give always the same results.


Keeping mismatch values fixed.

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The behavior you are observing might be linked to the flag that controls the mismatch calculation before each simulation.

Before a calculation involving ageing, PVsyst will, by default, do a Monte-Carlo calculation of the mismatch factor due to ageing.

This leads to slightly different results every time you perform a simulation.

You can also force the program to keep the same mismatch factor for each simulation. In the 'Ageing' dialog you need to check 'Keeps calculated Mismatch values'.

In this case the mismatch values are kept fixed (also written to file) and the simulation will give always the same results.

Ident Simulation Simul

for Year Comment

SIM_1 0 New simulation variant [/i]

Is "year 0" the first year of simulation?

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The case I have tested:

The following shows the mismatch parameters as I stablished:


And the following shows the batch parameters I want to change:


The following is the batchparams .csv file as I have defined it:


An the following is the Batch results:


The following shows the PVsyst simulation results for the second year (stablishing "year 2" in ageing):



For 2nd year, the PVsyst simulation leads to a PR of 85.1% and 12.081 MWh/yr (12.080.597 kWh/year).

For 2nd year (SIM_3) batch calculation leads to a PR of 85.14 and 12.089.130 kWh/year.

I am not sure if the right simulation would be SIM_2. In that case batch calculation leads to a PR of 85.4 and 12.126.279 kWh/year.

None of the above Batch ressults are matching with what I obtain directly in PVsyst simulation for 2nd year.

If I repeat the batch calculation I obtain the same ressults again and again.

By the way, the same occurs in every project I do. I don't think it is related with this project, particularly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It seems I am alone in this discussion, but the ressults from the batch calculation do not match with the results from the final report simulation. There are slight differences (in the order of some kWh) in Energy injected into Grid and I think PVsyst support team should consider this issue.


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  • 2 months later...

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