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I am using Helios to run a 20MW East and West solar farm. I have set up Multiple Orientation on the Orientation dialogue using PVsyst version 6.35. On the System space, I have defined two Sub Arrays, Sub1 for Orientation 1 and Sub-2 Orientation 2. Each sub array has the same technical specification and one is orientated 90° and the other -90°. After having imported the h2p into the 3D scene, it does not recognise the two orientations and it is telling me I have set up two orientations and one one the shading space; therefore, I need to update the Orientation to just one in order to be able to run the table to obtain the shading-loss factor.

Could you please advise what I need to do? I have read most of the related question/answer but nothing seems to help.

I would be extremely thankful if you could help me

Many thanks,



Sorry, it is not possible to use Helios3D data with 2 different "nominal" orientations.

The reason is that when accompanying a hill, the orientation of each table is different. With these kinds of scenes PVsyst has to evaluate an "average" orientation for the simulation.

Now we did not yet implement the average calculation for 2 different orientations.

This would be possible for east-west (domes) as the orientations are clearly different and we can easily define 2 groups of tables.

It is much more difficult when the nominal orientations are close to each orther (like for example 2 sides of a hill).

if the distributions interpenetrate, how to attribute a given table to one or the other average ?

  • 1 month later...


we have a similar issue, thats why I post it here.

We have tried to import a shading scene with 2 different tilts (15° and 20°).

If imported, PVsyst also builds the average tilt.

Would it be possible to differentiate in 5° steps? It would be really helpful to be able to import a shading scene with different tilts.

Best reagds

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