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  1. Hello! I am trying to implement power limitations both at the inverter and the POI. While the latter is needed for the contractual injection limit at the POI, the former is needed for enforcing the dynamic P/Q curve of the project across the expected temp and voltage ranges at the site - a requirement placed by the regulators. Both limits need to be stacked and may result in different yields than just using the POI limit. It seems the power limitation under energy management only allows to pick one of the two. Is there a way to implement both of them? Or would that require changing the inverter .ond? (if yes, what consequences would those changes to the .ond have?). Happy for any suggestion ? Thank you! -Jan
  2. Hi, Some Solar Databases provide a TMY meteo data with P90 instead a value for interannual variability. I am not sure how to estimate the P90 production with this TMY P90 data. Could you please help me? I was thinking to simulate with TMY P90 meteo data as usual but then in the "Energy Management" menu set 0% for "interannual variability" and get the Energy P90 marked in the image below. This way I would be getting the uncertainties of the other sources such as PV modules, inverters, soiling and module quality loss and long term degradation. Do you have any experience or opinion on this matter? Thanks in advance. Emanuel
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