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  1. Why are we limited to just 9 points for a custom IAM profile? Creating an IAM profile with just nine points seems to be a little buggy, and can result in some funky curves, even if the chosen points are valid point on the IAM curve.
  2. I am trying to model a product with a very high cell voltage (.59 V/cell), and I get an error message saying the maximum limit is .57 V/cell when importing into the database. Is this just an informational warning, or will it prevent calculation or influence the results?
  3. Is there a feature that can help identify if the module used in a simulation is the default database file? When looking at third party simulations where the designer has modified the default file, the source is usually still reported as "manufacturer 2012"' or similar, even if the designer has actually modified the PAN file. If a designer has used a default file as the basis for modifications, are there any tools for comparing the module parameters in the default and modified files?
  4. In version 6, is this accomplished by setting up multiple subfields and then assigning the main and secondary to different subfields? It looks like the unbalanced strings option is not a default for some multi-MPPT inverters. Will this be changed in the database in the future, or should we plan on making the change manually?
  5. Thanks for the response. It seems like most of my questions about version 5 can be answered with "check out version 6". I'm working with the beta version now, and I love it!
  6. When comparing multiple simulations, it's helpful to save the results to a .csv file for comparison. But while I can output the simulation results, I can't figure out how to save the simulation parameters to the same .csv file. This would be very helpful for analysis and auditing. Is this possible?
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