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  1. Hi experts, Why PVsyst compares between the array Isc and the inverter maximum PV current input not the maximum Isc of the inverter. For example: an inverter has 14 inputs, Isc max input of 140A while Imax PV input is 120A so, safely it can take on 14 strings (Isc of the panel is 8.98A @ STC) but it shows the error as in picture attached. Since I'm considering Isc of the array, it should take Isc input of the inverter into account. Any explanations ?! Sincerely, Eng.Mohammad AlKour Error
  2. Hi, I am really carious to learn about Horizon option, how is it useful for us ? what do the points indicate to ? what's all about ? By the way, the Near shadings is not working at all, No objects show when I create them. is it the same with you or just me ? Thank you, Best Regards
  3. Hi, How can I import updated period for a data resource, the period that I have for meteonom is 1992 to 2004. is there any problem with the accuracy of the data if it is 1992 to 2004 or i must have an update period for it to the year we are on. Anyone can help me ? Many thanks
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