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Everything posted by Jeremyw

  1. Curious to know the explanation for the following obsveration. Simulation A: only modified variable is rather than a near shadings 3-d model created, under "orientation", the field type of unlimiated sheds is selected. Same pitch, inactive band widths, electrical effect is selected with 2 modules in width. Simulation B: only modified variable is rather than unlimited sheds selected, "fixed tilted plane' is chosen. And a 3-d model is created in the near shadings option. Pv plane in sheds is created. Same pitch, inactive band widths, etc. Partition in module chains is selected as well with 2 strings in height. *all other system losses and configurations are held the same. I'm observing a varied lower outputs from Simulation B when compared to Simulation A. Sometimes as small as .38%, but other times greater. I'm guessing the Simulation B could be considered a more "accurate" representation? Your insight would be appreciated.
  2. When inserting Pv plane in sheds, there is an option to modify the "shed to shed" slope and baseline slope. Can you please confirm whether this input value is represented in degrees or percent? Thanks
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