Curious to know the explanation for the following obsveration. Simulation A: only modified variable is rather than a near shadings 3-d model created, under "orientation", the field type of unlimiated sheds is selected. Same pitch, inactive band widths, electrical effect is selected with 2 modules in width. Simulation B: only modified variable is rather than unlimited sheds selected, "fixed tilted plane' is chosen. And a 3-d model is created in the near shadings option. Pv plane in sheds is created. Same pitch, inactive band widths, etc. Partition in module chains is selected as well with 2 strings in height. *all other system losses and configurations are held the same. I'm observing a varied lower outputs from Simulation B when compared to Simulation A. Sometimes as small as .38%, but other times greater. I'm guessing the Simulation B could be considered a more "accurate" representation? Your insight would be appreciated.