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  1. A small garden house has a roof with space for 5 (250 Wp; 1640 * 992 * 40 mm) modules on each half of the symmetrical (10 degrees tilted) roof. In principal I think it should be possible to use a Solaredge SE2200 with OP250LV optimisers. I define a 'double orientation (heterogenous)' system with orientations of -15 and +165 degrees. On each of the 2 subfields I specify '0.5' inverters and check 'uses fractional inputs' . Now I see the number of optimizers in series must be between 6 and 11 , so for my system it is NOT possible as I only have 5 optimizers available in each orientation. Nevertheless it seems to me using SOlaredge should be possible with just 10 modules as each of them will be treated separatelly. So my questions are: a) Am I right it should be possible to use Solaredge SE2200 with 10 modules of 250 Wp if orientations differ b) How can I simulate my system having just 10 modules
  2. If I compare data of Renesola JC250S-24/Bb (or JC255S or JC260S) I see differences regarding Tolerance. Renesola datasheets show tolerance 0~+5W (positive tolerance) PVsyst Defintion of PVmodule shows Tol 3.0% If I import from PHOTON I get Tol 0.1% What causes this difference and how does it affect simulation results? It also raises the question to what to what extent datasheets can be used for defining a new module. PVsyst Defintion of PVmodule shows RShunt parameters. Are they available on datasheets? I also see big differences bteween RShunt data for the JC250S-24Bb module imported from PHOTON and the "same" module in PVsyst database How do I know what module is the right one to use?
  3. For a system with 21 modules I would like to simulate attaching 1 string of 10 and 1 string of 11 in parallel to an inverter having only 1 MPPT (and input). How do I do that? What if an inverter has 1 MPPT but 2 inputs? Using the tool Electrical behaviour of the heterogeneous arrays I found out on june 21st mismatch loss with 1 string of 10 and 1 string of 11 will be about 1.6%.
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