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  1. Hi: I am asking about the altitude correction that has to be done to the inverters data in order to derate it for altitude in the program. For example, if the altitude of the installation is over 3500 m.a.s.l., the climatic data has to be changed and I understand the software takes care of it, but the inverter has to be derated also and I don't know if the software takes it in consideration or not. If not, what has to be done to the parameters of the inverter in order to comply with the manufacturer recommended values for derating. Look forward for your hint.
  2. I am getting a red flag for Inverter Power is Strongly Undersized when building a grid tied system with an array to inverter ratio of 1.4 and it is preventing me from running a simulation. I found the hidden setting for inverter power is strongly and slightly oversized but not for the power being undersized. I found settings for the PV Array power being oversized and undersized but changing them has no effect on the inverter red flag. Makes me wonder what they are for. I've looked through the help file and can't find a place where all the hidden parameters are listed together with what they mean. Searching the help file for "undersized" does not give me anything useful for this issue. Is there a parameter for the inverter power strongly undersized ratio that I can change? Thanks
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