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  1. Martin

    CIGS Panel

    Is it not possible for you to check file to see if it is ok? If I send it..
  2. Martin

    CIGS Panel

    I start conversation but get "data are not recognised" Is it something with format protocol file? any suggestions?
  3. Martin

    CIGS Panel

    Ok I have exported a file and added a columm with a header of "TArray" and added the temperature below. The other headers are: GlobHor DiffHor T Amb But how to import CSV file?
  4. Hi Why is the optional : Module layout inactive. I cant not use it?
  5. Martin

    CIGS Panel

    Hi In "characterictics of metereo hourly files" I cant see where to export data for at specific meteo file into a csv file?
  6. Martin

    CIGS Panel

    Hi Andre Yes that wouldbe a solution to fix surroundings tempeture. The water colling panel is mounted at the back of the pv panel. But how to export your Meteo data as CSV file? and then I have to write Tarray a list the fixed tempeture in that collum?
  7. Martin

    CIGS Panel

    Hi Can anyone tell me how to set panel temperature if I have an cooling panel at the back of a PV panel? Lets say I have a constant back temperature of the pv panel of 12 celcius degrees. That must influence the yield.
  8. Great! many thanks
  9. Hi could anyone tell me how to avoid in the shadow animation that module loss (yellow field) is shown? Br Martin
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