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Everything posted by GFL

  1. Array virtual energy at MPP is influenced by the Minimum MPP Voltage in the inverter ond file. If the Array min voltage is lower than the Minimum MPP Voltage I expect an energy clipping during the production (since the inverter is not able to convert energy if the array voltage is out of its MPPT range). I have simulated two different case by using two identical inverter model with a different Minimum MPP Voltage (900Vdc and 1000Vdc) and represented the Array virtual energy at MPP Vs Array Voltage distribution (see graph). I expected an energy clipping on the Array virtual energy at MPP when it is used the inverter with Minimum MPP Voltage of 1000Vdc. graphically I see this clipping but calculating the total Array virtual energy at MPP by the hourly files I have noted the same values. Could you please clarify?
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