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Everything posted by nick

  1. It worked thanks :mrgreen: (you're right, everything does change every time and it's a pain sometimes)
  2. I know I, have been doing this, however the limit is much smaller than one month for the export selection. When I choose export to clipboard I only get 2 days worth of hourly data on the clipboard. Switching back and forth to PVsyst to generate the values then copy 2 days then scroll down and copy 2 more days for the entire year of data is very time consuming. Is there any way to select more than just 2 screens full of the data? When I do daily values then it comes up with 24 values then selecting export to clipboard gives me 48 values to paste out (even being able to copy and paste an entire month of hourly values would be amazing).
  3. Thank you it worked! :mrgreen:
  4. Hello, Is it possible to export one year of sun parameters at a time? I would like to export the H Sol angle for one year. I know you can export 2 days at a time but this takes some time for an entire year.
  5. Hello, I have been working with a PVsyst project and today I opened it up to make some changes however when I try to open the window to change the angle of the panel it just crashes the program. No warning, no error, no information just completely shuts down. I am running Windows XP, PVsyst version 6.1.2, is there anything I could try here?
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