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  1. Hello, i just did for same location and same meteorological data PVGIS-SAF compare of transposition factor: PVSYST5: http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/5568/transpositionalfactorpv.jpg and here PVSYST6: http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/5568/transpositionalfactorpv.jpg Why is this diffrence? and dont know why in both examples is diffrence 1kWh/m2. Between this 2 cases is like 2 weeks diffrence. But even 1kWh/m2 shouldnt have so big influence on tilt? Regards
  2. Hello, thanks for answer. But now i got new ones after i read your article. I did as you suggested Transposition Factor for Berlin. http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/4669/berlintf.jpg So it showing optimum about 35.5 degree. Then i read about electrical shading effect and got like this: http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8718/shelltiltoptimalization.jpg So optimum should be about: 28-29 degree with pitch same like for 35.5 degree right? I dont exactly understand shading effect of cell 12.5 cm in 1 width, what it means? For landscape position, it means shade on all cells in one row so just 1 submodule shaded in half (10 cells/20 in submodule, 10 cells shaded in module) or For portrait position, it means all submodules shaded so it would be like 2 cells/20 in submodule, 6 cells in module or something else? but still dont know which case it's estimating. my version is 5 and just using it from tool tab. Regards.
  3. Hello, I imported data from PVGIS-SAF, PVGIS-Classic and from meteornom 6. I tried to do optimization of orientation for same geo localization: Berlin. And each tilt for each data is different why? PVGIS-CLASSIC: http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/8776/pvgisclassic.jpg PVGIS-SAF(1 deg azimuth but not influence on result): http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1497/pvgissaf.jpg METEONORM: http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/6007/meteornom601.jpg
  4. Hello, really missing possibility importing background from autocad, sketchup, google earth. Possibility importing 3d objects from autocad/sketchup. Drawing here is really tough thing.
  5. Why we have weird values: 172W 269C? Here is real module with removed bypass diodes and shaded 1 cell, I/V curve: http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/6607/1cellshadednodiodes.jpg
  6. Hello, when i choose 2 of mpp inputs, with inverter with 2 mpp input, it should be 1 inverter? http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5307/pvsyserror1.jpg and here is wiring scheme: http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/8836/pvsyserror2.jpg
  7. I made some simulation and results for me seems not correct. Result for I/V curve: http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/9451/pvsysterror1.jpg and here result for P/V curve: http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/4545/pvsysterror2.jpg
  8. Its easy to do with any software which allow edit pdf. If we talking about suggestions , 3d visualization is very annoying: 1. Selecting, when we have a lot of elements, like 100+, and want to remove like half of it i need select each object manualy and after any missclick you doing it over and over. Please make posibility of selecting easy with just rectangle like most graphics programs. 2.Please make possibility of grouping objects, so it will be easy to move, not like now each time i need select each object and then move. 3.Copy/Paste with a lot of objects is broken, need manualy put X/Y/Z coordinates, and sometimes objects after paste differs from what was selected on copy command. Very often it put weird values after paste to the CTRL+B window. 4. Measure tool with changing scale, not scaling. 5. Measure tool not allowing change objects or move scene. 6. When we have a lot of objects and all scene is rotated and trying zoom and move some objects its almost impossible with all this jungle of lines. 7. Importing DWG/SKP/image background, and allow to scale background. 8. Selecting single modules to strings 9. Autofill option, for modules. So when i got some part of roof selected it can put as much modules is needed vertically or horizontally, with possibillity putting pitch value as well. 10. Object dissapears when is texture option on, when objects collidate even 1 cm And big change, maybe there is possibility just replace near shading option with sketchup. (Thinking about sketchup because is free, and dont know easier tool to drawing any objects) Thank you for answer.
  9. Hello, I dont know how to do it, couldnt find it. But i want to see difference in yield when i put on construction modules vertically or horizontally with same numbers of modules. Red/Green/Blue colors shows how bypass diodes are set. How to do it in PVsyst, when i want put strings of modules vertically and horizontally and then add influence strings in this 2 cases. Like in image below: What will be yield in case 1 and case2? When i trying to do it i got same results, because i dont know how to set strings of cells http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/8291/shadowingverticallyandh.jpg Here is how i did it in PVsyst http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/8291/shadowingverticallyandh.jpg And how i set Field Partition in module chains, i dont see here possibility of setting substrings of cells... Horizontally (L:3x1.65m W:0.99): http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/1845/horiz.jpg Vertically (L3x0.99m W:1.65): http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/2106/verticald.jpg and this results cant be different..., where put here bypass diodes influence?
  10. Thank You, thats enough.
  11. Hello, How to get results with modules set vertically or horizontally. Results should differ (position strings of cells with bypass diodes) with PV plane in sheds in this 2 cases with any pitch, but dont know how to set it. Regards
  12. Hello, How to add graph Energy Injected to the Grid with Monthly Value to the report, best would be replace existing graphs with PR or kWh/kWp. Or How to format report to my own theme? Regards
  13. Hello I did this way: My problem was that i got 107 modules 240W, and want to use SMA STP 12000TL. I splited inverters like this: Inverter 1: Input A1: 21 InputA2: 21 InputB: 12 Inverter2: Input A1: 21 InputA2: 21 InputB: 11 I made one inverter SMA STP 12000TL A4 with 3 "string inverter" and 3 Multi-MPPT I made second inverter SMA STP 12000TL B1 with 3 "string inverter" and 3 Multi-MPPT I made 3 sub fields First subfield I used option "Use multi-MPPT features" and putted 4 string with 21 modules , SMA STP 12000TL A4 Second subfield I used option "Use multi-MPPT features" and putted 1 string with 12 modules , SMA STP 12000TL B1 Third subfield I used option "Use multi-MPPT features" and putted 1 string with 11 modules , SMA STP 12000TL B1 So i did same 2 inverters, just different names and then i could make simulation. And only in this case i could run simulation. When i tried to do 2 inevrters with ratio "string inverter/Multi-MPPT capability" 3/3 and 1/1 it didnt allow make me simulation Is it good what i did?
  14. Hello, i not giving up and trying with sma stp assymetric inputs. I will show each step, please tell me if i did anything wrong. First i added inputs for each sma stp, input A and input B. Then i tried to make easy setup to use this inputs with different numbers of modules. http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/9405/smastp1000tla4.jpg So i did two subfields: First subfield with input A with 2 strings 22 modules in series. So we can notice i got somehow 2 inverters not just 1. Did i do good input A setup? http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/8839/smastp1000tlb1.jpg And I did second subfield with input B and 1 string 14 modules in serie. And here of course pvsys giving warning that input is too small... http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/1899/smastp1000tlwarning.jpg I can live with it if this gonna work BUT: http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/8475/smastperror.jpg I can not do any simulation!! What i did wrong this time? Here is example from sunny design with same setup. http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/3418/sunnydesignteststpsma.jpg Please help.
  15. Hello, i tried make SMA STP assymetric inputs, and now got too many inverters with same name, How can i delete not important records of inverters in database? http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/4655/howtodeletepvsysdb.jpg
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