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  1. Dear Michele Thanks, Can you please confirm my understanding is right from your post above 1> .SYN.MET Used only when we have 1 Year monthly data. This is in .SIT. From SIT an synthetic hourly file SYN.MET can be created using "synthetic data generation" tab to get 1 Year hourly file (can be used as TMY) 2> TMY.MET As i already have 15 years Solcast hourly data i don't have to worry about creating synthetic file. I can directly create TMY.MET from "TMY generation" tab to get Typical 1 year hourly file for final simulation use.TMY.MET
  2. But when we select metro file from geographic sites it does not show . Met file. Only sit is shown. How can we select . Met for simulations
  3. Please help for claring some confusion on MET, SIT, SYN.MET 1> I have successfully imported Solcast 15 years, hourly data from csv format. Fifteen . MET files created and One .SIT created 2> What is next step , do i need to use "Synthetic Data Generation" to create SYN.MET file? OR 3> Directly go to Geographical sites and use the .SIT file? 4> In "Geographical sites" we are allowed to pick only .SIT. .MET or SYN.MET files are not available for selection. 5> Is this understanding correct - Import 15 Years Hourly TS from Solcast (any other staellite data source) - Pvsyst generates 15 MET and 1 SIT (Monthly) files - 1 SIT Monthly file is used for simulation - I am unable to understand when to use Synthetic Data Generation" to create SYN.MET file? how is this used in simulations? - If MET file for the hourly meteo data is used in simulation how is it selected?
  4. Arati

    Batch Mode error

    I am Trying to run Batch Mode for Fixed Tilt. Having error message "plane orientation" Plane Tilt is checked "system parameters" Number of strings is checked "Losses" AC and DC is checked "Result variable specification" Energy injected to Grid and Global INC on collector plane is checked After this step i open the batch parameter .csv file. use "Data, text to column, delimited, semicolon, finish in xl " Then copied Rows starting with SIM_1 for 20 times. Saved and closed csv Then hit simulation, get an warning message Error in Batch parameters. Did not find any column for ShedTilt in file. carefully check ur parameter file. If i check my parameter file i can see shedtilt column. Then why is error message comming up Regards Arati
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