Hi Andre, In a response to a 2013 question from another user, you that said PVsyst was unable to transpose global POA irradiance to global horizontal irradiance for tracking systems. Has any progress been made since that time? I am working on several single-axis tracking systems that have POA irradiance sensors and sensors for wind speed, ambient temperature and array temperature. There are no global horizontal irradiance sensors. I would like to analyze the measured production against the simulated production, adjusted for weather conditions. However, when I try to format the protocol file and indicate the presence of POA irradiance data, I am not allowed to indicate that the system is a N-S single-axis tracking system with backtracking. There is only a space to indicate the tilt and azimuth of the plane orientation, which would only be relevant for a fixed-tilt system. Am I missing something, or is this transposition still not possible? Many thanks! John