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  1. Sir, what is the need to consider this constant to calculate sun availability? and what is the difference in b/w with or without constant? in my case the sun availability: without constantly is : sun set:18:56 pm and sun rise: 06:30 am so sun availability = 18:56-06:30 =12:23 hours with constant is (0.041677) : sun set:18:56 pm and sun rise: 06:30 am so sun availability = 18:56-06:30/(0.041677) =12:38 hours so the questions are: why are they using this constant? How to they are calculating sun availability?
  2. Dear Sir, Normally when we discuss Sun availability then it is normally =Sun set-set rise but i have one data set, in which they are using one constant which is =0.041766 so they using formula "-Sun set-Sunrise/(0.041766)" so i have a question about this constant, why they are using this constant. please help me.
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