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Posts posted by david.zar

  1. Hi, We would like to do several variants with bifacial and not bifacial modules. When we have created the Bifacial variant and we try to create a not bifacial simulation, the software says that the project has a bifacial structure and we need to change the module.
  2. Hi,

    I'd like to know if when a scene is drawn, it is necessary to put the field in its height of installation.

    For example, Z= 0 it's ground reference and if we install the tracker with a distance of 2 m from the ground we need to put Z=2 m.


  3. Hello,

    I would like to propose a suggestion about the "Unavailability". If it's possible, we would like to add a possibility that put a fixed % for all the year.

    For example, if you put 1% of unavailability, this % it was applied to the 8760 hours.

    On another hand, we are seeing several errors when the program saves the preferences (printer forms header lines, output file preferences..)

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