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Jehad Adeeb

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  1. Thanks @dtarin for your answer.
  2. Dears, Can you please explain what is the technical reason behind this warning? https://i.ibb.co/R6L2Mjm/Capture.jpg
  3. Hello André I am using the ageing tool in the advance simulation, but the graph in the last page of the report shows that the energy yield is increasing up to the 7th year then declining until the 25th year. Can you explain this please? What is wrong with my simulation?
  4. My question is: why I have different results in the report when I rerun the simulation with the same input parameters? I trying to find the energy yield after 25 years, and I have different results each time I run the simulation!
  5. Dear all I am asking if there is anyway to get a certificate for PVsyst training like those granted by Autodesk for AutoCAD, Revit, ..etc?
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