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  1. Hello, using PVsyst 6.49 for utility scale ground mounted projects, I would like to import a) terrain data and b) PV table layouts because the possibilities with the current 3D modeller is rather limited to smaller projects. I have currently the chance to export SRTM terrain data from WindPro in the following formats: - ASCII XYZ - KMZ (Raster overlay or line overlay) - Image - Shape (Lines or Closed Lines - Polygon Shape - Point Shape Is there any way to convert these into the PVsyst's 3D Modeller? The actual layout in a non-rectangular, "randomly" shaped area I currently do in AutoCAD. Is there a way to import this layout (for example as Shape file) into PV Syst's 3D Modeller? Through importing both the terrain and the layouts I would like to calculate the near- and self-shading effects more accurately. I remember from the training a month ago that you mentioned an update of the 3D Modeller to come soon which will also make importing easier. How is the status? Thank you very much for your help! Best regards Hannes
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