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Everything posted by itaisuez

  1. Hi, just a small suggestion to please update the notes on various sources of meteo data in the help section. There have been a number of changes/additions to this space in recent years including but not limited to PVGIS vs. 5.2 which has improved satellite resolution in Europe to <5km (for SARAH2 model). Also, there is a new paid data source that might be worth inclusion called SolCast. Having PVSyst's un-biased view of the benefits/validity of their model would be very helpful to the community. Thanks,
  2. Thanks Agnes, Really appreciate the explanation as well as the update. I have another comment concerning the Notes on the Meteo sources, I'll post that in the appropriate topic area. With warm regards, Itai
  3. Chiming in here as another request for sub-hourly simulation, even a partial one as Michele O. of PVSyst suggests. Misrepresented clipping losses can be high, especially in areas with frequent intermittent cloud cover (e.g. Texas). @Michele Oliosi, can you please let us know when this "partial clipping loss" feature will be released?
  4. @Administrator, please take a look at the questions/proposal and provide a response when possible. I understand after digging deeper into this topic that a complication arises because when PVSyst has calculated global incident plane-of-array irradiance it is already decomposed into diffuse and beam. You need this to properly account for shading losses. This poses a challenge in importing measured global incident POA, because you would then have to find some way to perform the decomposition in the plane-of-array instead of just using horizontal-based decomposition models. I'm imagining your solution to this dilemma is to say "just don't import POA irradiance for any reason". Import measured or simulated GHI/DHI (or DNI) and let PVSyst do the work. The problem is that the actual measured POA irradiance is not typically directly reflected by calculated values using GHI/DHI measurements. Can PVSyst please provide further guidance and clarification? @jeffn With best regards, Itai
  5. Hi, I just want to re-iterate the request for what @kjs55 is proposing and at least get a response as to if this is possible and/or reasonable to implement for the developers at PVSyst. It's an important issue. Specifically, we are looking for a way to execute a PVsyst simulation with a user-defined incident Global POA set of values. We could even add the tracker angle (or fixed tilt angle) as an input if that helps, so you can use the algorithm to properly calculate Global POA effective via the amount of light that is reflected, etc. It is impossible for the time being to take measured data and decompose it to GHI/DNI/DHI values, then re-run it through the simulation assuming that the transposition will work to re-create the POA measured values. If the answer to the above is affirmative, the next question is can we also do it with rearside measured POA (or even hourly albedo measured values). Kindly let us know, thanks. Itai
  6. Hi, I'm looking to see if the issue of modeling trans-axial slopes has been addressed for N-S trackers. I understand that it will be very complicated to implement a backtracking algorithm that ensures that there is no row to row shading in this scenario, but that would be preferable for understanding these potential losses. I'd like to model tran-axial slopes or row height differences assuming they are all backtracking like they would if the terrain were flat. As an additional note, does Helios 3D output an array layout that allows PVsyst to consider the height of each individual panel or row? Is it a true 3D model that PVsyst can use? Thanks in advance for your help, ~Itai
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