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  1. Good morning, The new Helios3D version has the option of working with tracker systems. I would like to know if PVsyst can read and consider properly the exported 3D scene from Helios3D with the trackers design. Would PVsyst recognize the trackers on the scene and their right position or it will "read" them as a fixed tilt design? My PVsyst version is 6.41. Many thanks for any help about this. Kind Regards
  2. Good evening, I have real irradiation (Global inc in the collector plane) and temperature data from a pyranometer. I would like to create a MET file with that values to run a simulation and compare the results with the ones get from different meteo data sources (Meteonorm, NASA, SolarGIS..) As far as I know MET files needs Global Horizontal and not Global Inc (PVsyst calculates the Inc from the Global Hor using Hay/Perez models). Do I need to do the reverse proccess? What would be the best way to create that MET file from Global Inc Irradiation and Temperature using PVsyst? Many thanks for your support. Kind Regards
  3. Hi, Is there any way to get in the report the PR and yield values at the inverter output when running a simulation? Many thanks and Regards
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