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Abhijeet Mhaisne

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Everything posted by Abhijeet Mhaisne

  1. Dear Sir, Greetings. In ref to PVsyst report.(PVsyst Ver. 6.43) I am trying to do a simulation for ground mounted MW scale project. Please find my observations on report and provide your comments/Suggestions if any. 1. Earlier i simulated the PVsyst with some loss assumption. Energy generation -74942MWh/yr 2.On next day i simulated the same PVsyst with same loss assumption, but the energy generation changed to 77204 MWh/yr We are surprised to find such a big difference in generation figure and suspect a calculation error. Please revert with your findings.
  2. Dear Sir, I am trying to do a simulation with Probability analysis, but i want to understand the following factors. PV module modelling/parameters -2.0 %, PV module modelling/parameters,What it means? Inverter efficiency uncertainty 0.5 % Soiling and mismatch uncertainties 1.0 % Degradation uncertainty 1.0 % Custom variability 0.0, % Which parameters needs to include in custom variability? Please help on the same.
  3. Thank you Sir.
  4. Dear Sir, I am trying to do the PVsyst simulation for one of the site, but at this site we are facing some problem of fog effect,is it possible to assume the fog condition in simulation ? and What are the assumption ?
  5. I have 6 deg tilted module on tracker so which system is suitable for simulation ? Either Tracking tilted or horiz. N-S axis or Tracking Two axis frame NS ? Please give suggestion with short example. Thank you.
  6. Dear Sir, Query 1 I am trying to do simulation as details given below : 1. Inverter - 500 kW (ABB, Model : PVS800-57-0500kW-A), 2. Thin Film Modules of 62.5 Wp, 65 Wp, 67.5 Wp, 70 Wp of Abound Solar There are blocks of inverters having different capacities of modules as for Ex. Block 1 : 65 67.5 & 70 Wp modules (3 Capacities) are used on same inverter. I am not getting the way to do the PV syst to get the simulation. kindly help me to do the same. Query 2 It is existing plant of 5 MW capacity with 10 inverters of ABB & Modules as given above. Additional 500 kWp capacity is added in the the plant, on each inverter, 50 kWp capacity modules are added after 3 year running of the existing plant & module.. In that case the degradation of 3 year old modules is as per manufacturers recommendation. but how the combination of new addition & 3 years old modules are to be taken . I am confused, please help. Please come up with best best suitable conclusions for both the queries at the earliest.
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