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  1. I just updated to Version 6.49 and I am now experiencing this same bug. I use the Perez transposition, but sometimes the reports show Hay. When I run a simulation and print the report immediately, the Perez transposition is correctly listed. However, when I save the Variant, open the Miscellaneous tools to change the Resulting estimation from 95 to 99, the report then shows the incorrect Hay transposition. Cheers! Sam
  2. Hi, I occasionally and seemingly randomly get an error in PVsyst reports for System unavailability. I usually select the default setting of 2.0% and this is reflected on my Report in the "Grid-Connected System: Simulation parameters" section. However, in the "Loss diagram over the whole year" section system unavailability losses show 0.0%. When this happens, I have to go through the Detailed Losses parameters again and re-run the simulation. I have experienced this issue with version 6.43 and v6.47. I appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks!
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