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Everything posted by andres.blanco

  1. Hi, I am using Helios to run a 20MW East and West solar farm. I have set up Multiple Orientation on the Orientation dialogue using PVsyst version 6.35. On the System space, I have defined two Sub Arrays, Sub1 for Orientation 1 and Sub-2 Orientation 2. Each sub array has the same technical specification and one is orientated 90° and the other -90°. After having imported the h2p into the 3D scene, it does not recognise the two orientations and it is telling me I have set up two orientations and one one the shading space; therefore, I need to update the Orientation to just one in order to be able to run the table to obtain the shading-loss factor. Could you please advise what I need to do? I have read most of the related question/answer but nothing seems to help. I would be extremely thankful if you could help me Many thanks, Andres
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