Hello Andre, I have tried to contact the engineers to get detailed calculations but have not received any response from them. I have completed the 3D scene with several variations. However I was having difficulty distributing the strings among 4 inverters with 8 orientations so I had to reduce the number to 4 orientations. 4 orientations With this current 4 orientation model I am able to achieve a system close to the original with 359 modules ( original has 363 modules ), The string layout I think is hard to replicate and since the engineers wont get back to me, I have to proceed with what I have. The aim of my project was to find out mismatch losses because of the shape of the building ( google - Oseana, Norway), but now that I'm simulating with 4 different orientations with no strings crossing over into different orientations(impossible in PVsyst) I don't know how to proceed. Do you have any suggestion for studying mismatch?