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  1. Does the BkGlobInc output variable account for the Rear Side Shading loss already? Or is BkGlobInc the unobstructed backside irradiance and the Rear Side Shading loss is then applied to it?
  2. Hello, I was wondering if future versions of PVsyst might allow for 365.25 day simulations to be performed? This would allow for one simulation/report to better project the production of a system over it's warranted lifetime (say, 20 years). I understand that it is currently possible to model a 365 day year on one report and a 366 day leap year on another report and use the data from each to accurately create a 20 year projection, but most incentive programs require a single report and won't accept post-simulation calculations. This is of course assuming a 365.25 day meteo file is available. Thanks, Pete
  3. Hello, As I understand it there are two ways to acheive a shed-to-shed slope between rows of fixed tilt collector field: 1) Specify a "Shed to Shed slope" in the object parameters menu, located between the "Shed tilt" and "Baseline slope" fields. 2) Create a ground object with the required slope (Ex. for a 10% slope, create a 100m x 100m ground object and raise each vertex on one side up to Z=10m) and use the "Position tables on scene" tool to place rows on top of the ground object. Is there one method more favorable than the other? What are the units for the "Shed to Shed slope" parameter? Degrees or Percent? When I create a ground object with a 10% slope and separately create a shed field with a 10 [unit] Shed-to-Shed-slope from the same point, I would expect that they would match up when viewed from the ZxY perspective. When I view from this perspective (essentially a section cut along the slope) the rows of the shed field are increasingly spaced above the surface of the ground object. Is this because the shed field is in fact at a sleeper shed-to-shed slope than 10%? Or is this simply a "glitch" in the graphical capabilities of the 3D Construction environment, and it will actually simulate correctly? Thank you for any help you can provide. Pete
  4. Hello, As I understand it there are two ways to acheive a shed-to-shed slope between rows of fixed tilt collector field: 1) Specify a "Shed to Shed slope" in the object parameters menu, located between the "Shed tilt" and "Baseline slope" fields. 2) Create a ground object with the required slope (Ex. for a 10% slope, create a 100m x 100m ground object and raise each vertex on one side up to Z=10m) and use the "Position tables on scene" tool to place rows on top of the ground object. Is there one method more favorable than the other? What are the units for the "Shed to Shed slope" parameter? Degrees or Percent? When I create a ground object with a 10% slope and separately create a shed field with a 10 [unit] Shed-to-Shed-slope from the same point, I would expect that they would match up when viewed from the ZxY perspective. When I view from this perspective (essentially a section cut along the slope) the rows of the shed field are increasingly spaced above the surface of the ground object. Is this because the shed field is in fact at a sleeper shed-to-shed slope than 10%? Or is this simply a "glitch" in the graphical capabilities of the 3D Construction environment, and it will actually simulate correctly? Thank you for any help you can provide. Pete
  5. I'd like to model a N-S axis tracker with a trans-axial slope (tracker sheds are on a sloped hill) and includes backtracking I believe there is no functionality for shed-to-shed slope and backtracking with N-S axis trackers at the moment. Has there been any development or updates? Is backtracking trackers at multiple elevations in the works? Is there a work-around way to model this scenario in the mean time? Thanks, Pete
  6. Hello, I'm looking to simulate a similar scenario to the one Debbie described above. I'd like to model a N-S axis tracker with a trans-axial slope (tracker sheds are on a sloped hill) and includes backtracking. I understand that at the time of the above posts (~July 2015) there was no functionality for shed-to-shed slope and backtracking with N-S axis trackers =. Has there been any development or updates? Is there a work-around way to model this scenario? ~Pete
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