Hi, I am doing a study to arrive at the optimum DC/AC Ratio for our Solar MW Power Plants. As a part of this study, I am running simulations with different inverter overloads. When I tried to overload the inverter beyond 1.33 (say, 1.4), the simulation report shows only 1.33 as the inverter loading and the output corresponds to only this input. I tried doing this overloading beyond 1.33 with different inverters, different module ratings etc. but I am facing the same problem as the output corresponds to a maximum of only 1.33 inverter overloading. Please explain whether this is the limitation set by PVsyst internally for inverter overloading or whether the inverter manufacturers set this limit. Also, let us know whether there is any option to overload the inverters beyond 1.33 for our study and comparion purpose. Awaiting your reply..... Thanks, TCE.