Hi All, I am working with an inverter that has a rated ouput of 60kVA, and power factor range of 0.8 leading to 0.8 lagging. In reality, the inverter will be at a power factor lower than unity, let's say 0.85, and I am trying to see this effect on the total energy injected to the grid E_Grid (kWh). Since the inverter's output is 60kVA, at 0.85PF the real power output should be 60 * 0.85 = 51kW. I have inserted the PF value in the miscellaneous power factor menu (cos phi) , but I do not see any considereble reduction in the E_Grid value, only an added EAPGrid. I have also changed the inverter's parameter (Nominal AC power defined as: Apparent Power (kVA). Has anyone tried this simulation before? any ideas? Thank you very much.