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  1. Thanks Soldnerkugel, but that was too much for me ;). I just was trying to do it thinking that it was just going to Google earth, importing the ground image in PVsyst (as was written in PVsyst help) and that was it, but clearly is not. Maybe for small fields it may work, but for MW scaled installations won´t due to the big unaccurancy of the measures NORTH TO SOUTH. It´s a pity. André, can I suggest you to state this problem in the help menu?. Maybe other user may think that using imported ground images from google earth as a base for the layout is a good idea, but then they would face problems. Thanks a lot.
  2. Hi Andre, I used it only for the XY view. As written in PVsyst Help menu: "In the near shadings 3D editor, you can use menu "File > Import > Import Ground Image" to import an image or a plan of the scene ground. This file must be in BMP or PNG format. Importing a ground image helps to set position and dimension of the PV and shading objects when building the global scene. The user is responsible to provide the ground image. He can use for example a Google Map in earth view of the PV system area. Note that PVsyst is expecting a Ground Image captured in 2D and showing the ground at 90 degrees. Once imported in the PVsyst 3D editor, the Ground Image will be visible only when top view is selected. Here is an example of Ground Image captured from Google Map." So, I think I did it as the instructions stated. But I used GOOGLE EARTH, not GOOGLE MAPS. Is there any difference between GOOGLE EARTH and GOOGLE MAPS when importing the ground image?. Best
  3. Hi Andre, I am trying to use an imported GOOGLE EARTH image to model a layout. The problem I am facing is that the horizontal measures taken with the measure tool in PVsyst match with the measures on GOOGLE EARTH. But any measures not 100% horizontal over the imported image in PVsyst doesn´t match with the ones measured in GOOGLE EARTH. Therefore, I can´t use the imported ground image as a base to create a layout, by creating a zone and fill it with tables. I know that the acurrancy of GOOGLE EARTH is not very high, but in 900 meters in GOOGLE EARTH from north to south I get less than 730 m in PVsyst. I have converted the google earth images to .BMP format, so I am not able to find if there is anyway to do it right. Best
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