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  1. Hello, any one can provide me with an explanation of hourly distribution chart >>> i have loads 120 watts will be used from 10:00 am to 08:00 pm about 10 hours daily how i can apply this ?? what is the meaning of (H) & what is (0 H) ???
  2. Thanks for reply training program on your site talking about on-grid systems >>>> do you have any training course about off-grid systems or solar pumping ????
  3. No reply :cry: Forum admin please any response ??
  4. Hello, I'm doing my shading scene for 500 Kwp , when i check validity of scene gives me warning message says (shading area is slightly lower than pv modules area ) what is that means ?
  5. Hello, Do you have any training sessions for PVsyst in the middle east ?? :?: :?:
  6. h_1985

    1 MW off-grid

    Hello, Is that possible technically to implement 1 MW off-grid project ? If it is possible i think it will be bloody expensive .... is that right ?? Thanks
  7. Hello, I'm running trial version PVsyst 6.4 ..... module layout tool button is deactivated always >>> how i can activate it please?? i'm running simulation for 500 kWp ground mounted system grid tied i need to what is the meaning of module area in final report (ex. 3108 m2 for my system) >>> is that area including inter-row spacing between strings OR i must use module layout tool to calculate inter-row spacing areas and add them to module area??
  8. Thanks for reply But in all pv panels data sheets a term called power tolerance usually is (-0/+5), this term means panel output can exceed peak power by 5 watts or what? :?:
  9. Hello, i need to know about somthing confusing me about PV panels the question about pv panel output, some people say that pv panel output can reach OR exceed peak power shown on nameplate and then oversize inverter to be able to override increase in output other people said that pv output power cannot goes to rated peak power OR exceed this value what is the right concept :? :? ?? any help
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