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Everything posted by nico7904

  1. Dear All, When I run the simulation for a stand alone system in PVsyst version 5.74, the Effective Energy at output of array, displayed in loss diagram in the report, doesn't match with the parameter EArUfix (Array nominal energy (at STC effic.) after remove all losses. For example for this project, I have 1165 kWh for the Array nominal Energy at STC. Here is the link for the screenshot of the Loss Diagram : https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNmgDl5SX7Q4J7SvH_rsFXStJQfwRAVO4Hy_9cTzWZX6Yfb6LX7BO0vFVlCkYwl0Q?key=T2ttUEpVd2xvYWxyWkRCMVpSOHFLSTJJTkM1YTRB If I recalculate losses following percentages displayed on the loss diagram attached, I get : 1165 - 0.037x1165 = 1122 kWh - After PV loss due to irradiance level 1122 - 0.107x1122 = 1002 kWh - After PV loss due to temperature 1002 - 0.019x1002 = 983 kWh - After module quality loss 983 - 0.015x983 = 968 kWh - After module array mismatch loss 968 - 0.012x968 = 956 kWh - After ohmic wiring loss 956 - 0.186x956 = 779 kWh - After loss by respect to the MPP running 779 - 0.015x779 = 767 kWh - After Unused energy (full battery) loss ...which is different of the Effective energy at the output of the array : 757 kWh. Could anyone explain that difference ? Thanks for your help
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