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Everything posted by Arnaud

  1. Isn't there anyone that can answer my question? Thanks in advance for any support.
  2. Thank you very much André ! It actually works the way you mentioned. I have another question which might be better placed in another topic. Is it possible to model a grid-connected system WITH batteries? It would make sens in countries where grid availability is scarce.
  3. Hello, I would like to define precise hourly values of my user's needs. In my case, depending on the time, the demand is : - 2000 W for 6 am -> 6 pm - 2770 W for 6 pm -> 6 am. So, I would like to differentiate them rather than having a constant figure. Therefore, I clicked on '"hourly distribution" but when I fill in the 0:00-1:00 hour with 2770 W, the figure is then modified, and the other boxes too. I understand the software is trying to keep the total sum equal to the daily energy needs that have been defined, but I would like to be able to set up the hourly power demand at 2770 or 2000 W. Is there a simple way to do it ? Many thanks, Arnaud
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