I would recommend you stop trying to make this work if you are using version 6.68 or earlier. PVsyst simply won't allow you to misalign trackers to the south, east to west, if you're using backtracking. Background: The Misalign setting only allows the input of positive values. This means misalignment to the south, from east to west is not possible with this setting. The Pitch setting allows negative values, so theoretically you can misalign to the north, west to east, to achieve the same result, but when you create your shading scene this way, you get a message saying the pitch value is too small and you cannot proceed. So, then, you would think you just have to create each tracker row separately and place it accordingly in your scene, but if you do that, when you complete your scene you get a message informing you that the backtracking function only works when there are multiple rows defined in your creation of the "Tracking field". That is, backtracking doesn't work for individual rows placed next to one another. It only works when you define multiple trackers in the Create > Tracking PV planes window.