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  1. Dear Sirs, This didn't work: But downloading version 6.32 and activating worked out. Many thanks. Kind regards, Jesús Escudero Solís
  2. Dear Sirs, I have more information. I had version 6.24 and according to the PVsyst update the last available version is 6.31. After upgrading to 6.31 and keeping version 6.24, the status of the 6.24 is PREMIUM and 6.31 is TRIAL. Should I update without keeping the 6.24 or can I keep both? Thanks. Regards, Jesús Escudero Solís
  3. Dear Sirs, After upgrading to version 6.31 from a 6.24 the status from my PVsyst is Trial. I've tried to validate the license but is not working. Can you help me? Many thanks in advance. Kind Regards, Jesús Escudero Solís
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